Page 786 - Dryad Big Book 2023
P. 786

  Early Years
     A. Rockyroad Balancer
Lie on the Rockyroad Balancer and rock forwards and backwards to develop co-ordination and balance  Toddlers can stand on the rocker and rock themselves whilst holding the hands of an adult  Turn it on its side and it becomes a seat  Detailed activity sheet included  Size: 60 x 30 x 30cm
B. Rockyroad Beam
Develop balance and co-ordination in navigating the beam, even small children will concentrate, balance and walk along the beam, and it is just at the right height for babies to crawl over this small obstacle  Detailed activity sheet included
 Size: 72 x 35 x 10cm
372928 Rockyroad Beam each AED 631
great for crawling & hiding
just the right height for toddlers
        371004 Rockyroad Balancer
each AED 1,209
            C.Visual Perception Balance Ball
D.Rockyroad Tunnel
A tunnel with integral soft flooring encourages crawling through and hiding inside, play peek-a-boo as you discover who is hiding there  Fit together with the Rockyroad Beam and 3 Piece Slide and Climb to create an assault course designed to fully stimulate the toddler’s all round physical development  Turn the tunnel upside down and you have a see-saw rocker to
rock side to side and develop balance  Detailed activity sheet included  Size: 50 x 50 x 50cm
A durable physio ball covered to match the Visual Perception range  Develops balance as babies and toddlers need to adjust their bodies to keep balanced on the ball  Good for tummy time as even small babies love to lie on the ball, hold them carefully and gently rock backwards and forwards  Older babies and toddlers can sit on it and enjoy bouncing  Detailed activity sheet included  Size: 50 x 50 x 50cm
371017 Visual Perception Balance Ball each AED 1,023
372867 Rockyroad Tunnel each AED 1,236

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